Saturday, December 3, 2011
Great Céili, and now an Accompaniment Workshop!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Christmas Céili!

Its Christmas Ceili Time!
Its Christmas, the time for dancing! And for all of us who meet each week to craft these beautiful tunes, its time to take them out and swing them around some real dancers.
The Christmas Ceili is on December 3, at the Maleny Primary School Hall, 13 Bunya Street, just as you enter town from the coast.
There'll be live traditional music played by the class and lots of our auspicious tune-playing friends, experienced dance callers, and a cafe for refreshments.
Everyone in the class is welcome to participate in the band. But don't forget to get down there and have a dance - its so much fun and it makes perfect sense out of all these tunes!
These are the sets we'll be looking at, with a special Ceili Practice tonight guided by Tania.
Barn Dances
Thadelo's/ Campbell's/ Terry Tehan's
Tatterjack Walsh/ Pipe on the Hob/ Nora Crionna
Willie Coleman's/ Black Road/ My Darling Asleep
Peelers Jacket/ Miss Monaghan/ Banshee
Musical Priest/ Monaghan Twig/ Star of Munster
Plough and the Stars/ Bank of Ireland/ Wind that Shakes the Barley
Dick Gossip/ St Anne's/ Masons Apron in G
Rakes of Mallow/ Egan's/ Finnish/ Bill Sullivan's in D then A
Extra homework if you're keen
Polkas: Walsh's/ Ballyvourney/ Johnny Leary's
Reels: Brenda/ Scholar/ Dinkies
Jigs: Kerfunten/ Eddie Kelly's/ Give Us a Drink of Water
Monday, October 10, 2011
And its GOLD in the Ring! Plus the Colliers Reel.
If you would like to hear the melody, copy and past the text including the header into, select abc2mi
di and click on "submit".
X: 1
T: Gold Ring, The
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
R: jig
K: Gmaj
|:BAG A2d|cAF G2A|BAG A2d|cAG FGA|
BAG A2d|cAF GBd|~g3 afd|cAF G3:|
|:~B3 Bdc|A2A dcA|~G3 GFG|Add cAG|
B2B Bdc|A2A dcA|FDE F2d|[1 cAF G2A:|[2 cAF ~g3 |
|:fdd edd|fdd edd|fdd ed=c|dcA Geg|
fdd edd|fdd edd|dfa gfd|[1 cAF G2g:|[2 cAF G3 |
|:~g3 f2d|cAG GBd|~g3 f2d|cAG FGA|
~g3 f2d|~g3 f2d|[1 ~g3 afd|cAF GBd:|[2 gab afd|cAF GFE|
|:~B3 ~D3|~A3 ~D3|~G3 GBd|cAG FGA|
~B3 ~D3|~A3 ~D3|~G3 GBd|cAF G3:|
|:B2G A2G|d2G G2A|B2G A2G|cAG FGA|
BAG AGF|GFD FAd|~f3 fed|cAF G3:|
Thursday, September 29, 2011
New Ceili Reels and Six Parts of Gold Ring.
If you would like to hear the melody, copy and past the text including the header into, select abc2midi and click on "submit".
X: 1
T: Gold Ring, The
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
R: jig
K: Gmaj |:BAG A2d|cAF G2A|BAG A2d|cAG FGA|
BAG A2d|cAF GBd|~g3 afd|cAF G3:|
|:~B3 Bdc|A2A dcA|~G3 GFG|Add cAG|
B2B Bdc|A2A dcA|FDE F2d|[1 cAF G2A:|[2 cAF ~g3 ||:fdd edd|fdd edd|fdd ed=c|dcA G2g|
fdd edd|fdd edd|dfa gfd|[1 cAF G2g:|[2 cAF G3 ||:~g3 f2d|cAG GBd|~g3 f2d|cAG FGA|
~g3 f2d|~g3 f2d|[1 ~g3 afd|cAF GBd:|[2 gab afd|cAF GFE|
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Gold Ring gets to Part Five!
X: 1
T: Gold Ring, The
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
R: jig
K: Gmaj |:BAG A2d|cAF G2A|BAG A2d|cAG FGA|
BAG A2d|cAF GBd|~g3 afd|cAF G3:|
|:~B3 Bdc|A2A dcA|~G3 GFG|Add cAG|
B2B Bdc|A2A dcA|FDE F2d|[1 cAF G2A:|[2 cAF ~g3 ||:fdd edd|fdd edd|fdd ed=c|dcA G2g|
fdd edd|fdd edd|dfa gfd|[1 cAF G2g:|[2 cAF G3 ||:~g3 f2d|cAG GBd|~g3 f2d|cAG FGA|
~g3 f2d|~g3 f2d|[1 ~g3 afd|cAF GBd:|[2 gab afd|cAF GFE|
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Jigs from the Vault
X: 1
T: Gold Ring, The
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
R: jig
K: Gmaj
BAG A2d|cAF GBd|~g3 afd|cAF G3:|
|:~B3 Bdc|A2A dcA|~G3 GFG|Add cAG|
B2B Bdc|A2A dcA|FDE F2d|[1 cAF G2A:|[2 cAF ~g3 ||:fdd edd|fdd edd|fdd ed=c|dcA G2g|
fdd edd|fdd edd|dfa gfd|[1 cAF G2g:|[2 cAF G3 ||:~g3 f2d|cAG GBd|~g3 f2d|cAG FGA|
~g3 f2d|~g3 f2d|[1 ~g3 afd|cAF GBd:|[2 gab afd|cAF GFE|
Thursday, September 1, 2011
The Gold Ring Project Part Three!
X: 1
T: Gold Ring, The
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
R: jig
K: Gmaj
|:BAG A2d|cAF G2A|BAG A2d|cAG FGA|
BAG A2d|cAF GBd|~g3 afd|cAF G3:|
|:~B3 Bdc|A2A dcA|~G3 GFG|Add cAG|
B2B Bdc|A2A dcA|FDE F2d|[1 cAF G2A:|[2 cAF ~g3 |
|:fdd edd|fdd edd|fdd ed=c|dcA G2g|
fdd edd|fdd edd|dfa gfd|[1 cAF G2g:|[2 cAF G3 |
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Jem Dunlop teaching this Wednesday!
And before Nicole went to New Zealand, we managed to get to part two of the Gold Ring. Here is part one and part two. As before, if you would like to hear them, copy and past the text including the header into, select abc2midi and click on "submit".
X: 1
T: Gold Ring, The
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
R: jig
K: Gmaj
|:BAG A2d|cAF G2A|BAG A2d|cAG FGA|
BAG A2d|cAF GBd|~g3 afd|cAF G3:|
|:~B3 Bdc|A2A dcA|~G3 GFG|Add cAG|
B2B Bdc|A2A dcA|FDE F2d|[1 cAF G2A:|[2 cAF ~g3 |
Friday, August 5, 2011
The Gold Ring Project Part One. And the Orphan.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
We Rocked!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Maleny Celtic Winter School, THIS WEEKEND!

Thursday, May 19, 2011
New Tune - The Woman of the House
Friday, April 15, 2011
Tunes Class takes a short break - some time to practise?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
A Teetotaller on St Patrick's Day
Monday, February 14, 2011
Tunes from the Vault
Meanwhile, Tania was teaching the tune to a group who hadn't learned it the first time round. We had supper (choc cake, of course), then came back together as a group and played the Ash Plant. For people who were still struggling with the newness of the tune, we set up a two-chord rhythm, led by Bec on cello and played on several other instruments including whistle, to create an underlying groove for the tune.
It was fun! After that we had just enough time to have a look at Lannigan's Ball, the jig in Em. So, two Em tunes from the Vault are now much closer to hand when we need them.
This week, Nicole is on tour with Cloudstreet in NSW and going all the way across to Perth on the Indian Pacific, so Cath Ovenden will draw on her vast repertoire to teach a new tune.
And here's the chocolate cake recipe we have been enjoying:
Moist Chocolate Cake for Tunes
Makes a dozen slices.
200g self raising flour
150g brown sugar
40g cocoa
175g butter
2 large eggs
150ml yoghurt
a dash of milk as required
The quick way: put all the ingredients in a food processor and process til smooth and thick.
The next quickest way: Melt butter and sugar in microwave til butter is almost all melted. Don't let it get hot, just melted. Mix together. Add eggs one at a time and beat in to mix.
Measure flour and cocoa together. Thin yoghurt with some milk (about 50ml). Add flour alternating with milk and mix all together.
Pour into a greased and floured tin, cook in preheated oven at 180oC for about 50 mins but test with a thin skewer from around 40mins. When skewer comes out clean cake is done.
Ice, or just sieve some icing sugar over the top.
Friday, February 4, 2011
The Scholar
To keep intermediate players challenged and to welcome new players into the class, there is a little bit more structure to this year's classes. Only a little bit. This is how the month will look:
Week One: New tune. Everybody learns a tune together, as usual, slowly by ear with lots of relaxing repetition to get it nice and solid.
Week Two: Tunes from the Vault. We have a look through the archives of tunes classes past, and choose a couple of tunes to get to know better. If possible I will post the likely tunes on the blog beforehand so you can revise if you would like to, and we'll work on ornamentation, groove, tempo and style. There will be a second teacher on Tunes from the Vault night, to introduce new players to at least one of the tunes in question, so we all build up the same repertoire.
Week Three: New Tune. Just like week one but a different tune.
Week Four: Ceili Practice. With two teachers again, the intermediate group will play through sets of tunes and put new sets together for the Maleny Ceili Band. Everyone is welcome to be in the band, and we plan to play for some dances this year for extra fun. We'll be working on playing the tunes at the speed required for dancing, and new players will learn at least one of the ceili tunes with the second teacher, so they can work towards playing at dances.
Some months have a week five. This is a bit of a wild card, and we'll decide what we'll do with that when one turns up!
I have invited a number of terrific players from around the Range to be the extra teachers.
On Wednesday 9 Feb, we will unearth The Ash Plant (reel in Em) and Lannigan's Ball (jig in Em) from the Vault, as they've been requested.
And here is the recipe for Chocolate Crackles without copha (much nicer):
About 60g butter and 4 tablespoons of golden syrup, cooked up together til it bubbles for about 5 minutes.
Two or three cups of rice bubbles with a couple of tablespoons of cocoa mixed through. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ones, fold, and add more dry ones if needed to get a nice consistency. Quickly spoon the mixture into patty pans and let it set. It might set before you've finished if you don't work fast! Enjoy this yummy gluten-free snack!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Yes! Yes! Yes! Its this week!
Can't wait for the Silly Season to make way for the Ceili season! This silly season has been off the scale nuts, with flooding all over Australia, especially in Queensland, and including Maleny (which is up a mountain for those who are reading this elsewhere) where 282mm fell on Jan 10th alone. And there's a cyclone on the way up north.
But the BIG NEWS was that the Maleny Ceili Band, starring members of the Maleny Tunes Class, played at Woodford Folk Festival! Congratulations to Tania, Mal and Missy, who not only played at the Irish Ceili, but joined Nicole, Jem, Donald, Max and Davydd to play a concert spot on the Folklorica stage!
So join us for a tune, a chat and a chocolate cake this Wednesday. There are lots of exciting plans for this year - watch this blogspot.